Adaptive Insights Updates Adaptive Suite

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Adaptive Insights Updates Adaptive Suite | Accounting Technology 

Palo Alto, Calif. (August 26, 2015)

Adaptive Insights, the cloud corporate performance management provider, released an update to its cloud planning, consolidation, reporting and analysis suite.

Adaptive Suite 2015.2 features new dimension intelligence enabling deeper product analysis, workforce planning and sales modeling. The product analysis was expanded to include product types, family and brands while personnel models now encompass attributes of tenure, skills and employee locations. The added attributes are not at the expense of model size, explained Paul Turner, vice president of reporting and analytics products, but improve the fidelity to offer organizations of all sizes access to enterprise-level capabilities.

The release simplifies what would traditionally require “hundreds of billions of cells to analyze,” Turner said. “By providing dimension attributes, we dramatically lower the number of cells to analyze the data. You can analyze much bigger models than you could previously and slice more dimensions without increasing the complexity or size of the models—it brings bigger models into reach. You can build out budgeting plans in forecast, create revenue models, sales plans, and include a range of planning and depth of planning. In [Adaptive Suite] previously versus now, we’re reducing the size of the model by ten or 100 times.”

With these dimension attribute analytics, users can layer additional insights on to their planning models and break out reports based on data meaningful to the organization. The updates are especially geared to midsize organizations, Turner continued.

“With cloud delivery, we can provide advanced analysis capabilities in the product. Five to 10 years ago, you needed complex, on-premise investments for this kind of functionality.”

Customer feedback and market demands were taken into account when building 2015.2.

“Finance organizations are increasingly moving into planning in areas that were previously the domain of businesses,” Turner said. “Moving from creating a budget and financial plan to include more in revenue forecasts, revenue plans. It’s a trend in finance in general for finance to engage with other departments so all plans line up in the organization. This functionality helps with that.”

Adaptive Suite 2015.2 is immediately available for all customers.