NetSuite Releases Community Exchange to Help in the COVID-19 Fight, Reopening Efforts

posted in: Cloud/SAAS, Misc. ERP/CRM | 0

Recognizing that many businesses are struggling to source critical supplies while others are looking for ways to support their local communities and fellow businesses, NetSuite today released a new Community Exchange marketplace to help bring them together.

“We realize that in this time of crisis it is critical to support our customers so they can meet the unique and rapidly changing demands they are facing and focus on what they do best,” said Evan Goldberg, NetSuite executive vice president. “With this in mind, the NetSuite Community Exchange will continue to be updated with features that give businesses access to more resources.”-

The Community Exchange, built on the SuiteCommerce platform, is designed to bridge the gap between those who have the supplies and services now in demand and those who need them. Any one of NetSuite’s more than 20,000 customers and 500 partners can indicate items they have available, register their needs or manage requests from other businesses. The site categorizes goods and services to make it easy for any organization to discover, search for, list and/or request goods and services.

Items might include Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), or other items in short supply, such as paper products, sanitizer, bedsheets and more. Businesses could also offer services such as consulting or project management. The site already has items such as sanitizer, masks and face shields listed.

Companies need not limit themselves to items that they make or sell either. They can also list surplus items that result from reduced operations, such as cleaning supplies. Customers will determine whether they are donating or charging for the items. In its initial stage, no transactions will be handled on the site.

The launch is just the first stage of the exchange with operations in the U.S. As organizations join, NetSuite hopes to expand the service abroad and, as recovery activities begin and non-essential businesses re-open more broadly, the platform will accommodate additional goods and services – particularly from customers who are innovating in response to the crisis. While PPE and sanitizing supplies are in need right now, new needs and requirements will be accommodated.

As the world recovers from the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, organizations will need to continue to turn to one another for help and the Community Exchange and the NetSuite community can serve as one small step in this effort.