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Bob Scott reporting in his weekly Insights column.

The SBS Group has acquired the Dynamics practice of Aztec Systems, a Dallas, Texas-based reseller. It’s not surprising as Aztec, which was once a significant player, had largely disappeared from public view. An SBS press release says has Aztec had more than 200 Dynamics customers and six offices in Texas and Oklahoma. The Aztec website shows the VAR carries Dynamics GP and NAV. It also handles (or handled) Sage 100. In its VAR Stars submission in the fall of 2013, it claimed 45 employees and $14 million revenue. That year, Aztec, founded in 1991, and Toutatis, a Brazilian company, merged to form TAS. TAS was described as “a multinational IT solutions and business process solutions firm” that had more than 750 employees in Central, North and South America. The 2012 submission said the company had 700 customers. The Aztec website shows several posts about Convergence 2014, but nothing after an October item about ISV functions. The site also displays the profile of Allen Bernard as its U.S. general manager, but his LinkedIn profile says he left in December. He joined Aztec in July 2013.